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Southwest Butuan launches Project CARAMEL

In response to the call on uplifting of the quality education, Southwest Butuan District launched recently its flagship program the Creative Academic Reinforcement for Achievement and Management for Excellent Learning or known as project CARAMEL held in Butuan City on August 9.

Project Caramel was conceived in response to the Department of Education’s vision of producing competent learners through creative ways of showcasing their potentials and developing their academic skills. It sees the opportunities, importance and applications of continuous improvement activities and various reinforcement strategies to achieve and deliver the mission of creating a child- friendly, gender sensitive and nurturing schools, developing a motivating environment geared towards excellent performance. It considered as well that management of stakeholders as its prime ally to achieve lifelong and excellent learning. The program was anchored on the Regional and Butuan City Division’s flagship program BRAVE which means Butuan’s Response to Academic Voyage for Excellence, designed to help address the pressing need to increase academic performance of pupils or students. The said launching was graced by Schools Division Superintendent Arsenio T. Cornites Jr., CESO V, the newly elected first councilor of Butuan and Committee Chairman on Education Atty. Glenn Carampatana; and Raul Carampatana, Brgy. Captain of San Vicente, Butuan City, and attended by hundreds of teachers from Southwest District coming from West Central Elemenatry School, Villa Kananga Elementary School, Maon Elementary School, San Vicente Elementary School, Mandacpan Elementary School, Bit-os Elementary School and San Roque Elementary School bringing with them their different banners on their school based flagship programs where the Project CARAMEL serves as the “pitcher project.” (Joy Carol A. Belarmino, DepEd Butuan City Division/PIA-Agusan del Norte)

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